Sunset Cliffs is one of the best reef breaks in all of San Diego County hands down. There are a lot of different reef breaks at the cliffs and they will all differ on how it breaks. On big days some reefs will break mushy but powerful. You'll know that trying to duckdive at north or south Garbage and some will break steep throwing barrels like at Osprey.
Be prepared for steep slippery trails, a long paddle out and lots of leash grabbing kelp.
Obviously low tide is best but it still breaks well on high tides at the secret spots.
Then there's the tip of Point Loma that separates it from the rest of San Diego County making it above all else. This is the one spot in all of San Diego that is world class. The only way to surf there is by boat or you WILL get a massive fine. Bring snacks, water and Dramamine!
As a rule of etiquette, don't be a kook and show up there with more than 3 on your boat.